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A Home for Those in Visual Arts

We are more than just pretty faces. We believe that beauty comes from within, that support and community are the best ways to grow. We are a creative collective of people who are sometimes rejected by the standard. Tattoos, dyed hair, not always the fresh faced runway models, but we are professional, respectful and talented.

This isn’t another agency, or a place to only find people working directly with us, this is a place to find people you need for the roles you need filled. Blogs about people who inspire us, advice, fashion, a way to find other creatives to work with through our talent search page, a portfolio that can be see by others in a public way. Our group shoots are not only portfolio building, we are here to help you learn to pose, shoot, and network. 

We believe in what we’re building and we hope you join us on our journey.

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    First Angel Modeling Agency