Category Archives: Inspirational People

Summre Ferrante

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on the literal queen of rock, Summre Ferrante! 🖤

Hello, beautiful people! My name is Summre Ferrante and when I’m not saving lives at my day job, I’m helping my husband make a difference in children’s lives through our organization, Rock for Life Concert Series. What do we do, you ask?

It is the mission of Rock for Life to provide financial support to needy individual residing in Western PA who are suffering from life threatening diseases. We sponsor music festival and other music-related and general fundraising events to raise the monies necessary to support our purpose.

Helping a local family in need is a rewarding experience and I’m honored to help run this organization with my husband.

If you like local music, vendors and feeling good about helping a family in need, check out one of our upcoming shows!

🖤Friday, July 21st and Saturday, July 22nd: Rock for Life 24 at PARADISE PARK

🖤Friday, August 25th: Rock for Life at SYRIA SHRINERS

🖤Friday, September 1st, Saturday, September 2nd and Sunday, September 3rd: Rock for Life at JB’S ROADSIDE BAR & GRILL

🖤Saturday, October 14th: Rock for Life’s ROCKTOBERFEST at Syria Shriners

To see more, check out the following links:


Jennifer Ramsey

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on an artist in every sense of the word, Jennifer Ramsey! 🖤

“Hi! I’m an artist, muralist, visual storyteller, writer, and creative placemaker with a long background in community development and the arts. I was raised second generation expat in Bolivia, South America, and have lived all over the US but now call the Pittsburgh area home again (after graduating high school here more years ago than I care to admit).

My favorite observation that was ever made about me was, ‘You’re the type of woman who would have traveled alone to Morocco in the 1920s.’

I’ve worked in a lot of different industries, doing everything from directing a rural library – where I started a food bank amongst the books – to working in the Carpenters Union in West Virginia. There was also the Harvard work-study reading Spanish-language proletariat literature. And the concierge position on a tourist train in the National Forest. And the gig where I was paid to secretly start the dancing for deejayed sets. And… and so much more… it’s been a weird and wild life! I don’t plan to slow down, ever.

I love uniting people around social causes, nonprofit development and philanthropy, dancing, art, art, and more art, cooking international food, travel, literature, mushroom foraging, and outdoor adventuring. You are welcome to follow my art on or my art and adventures at

To see more, check out the following links:


Nicole Behanna

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on artist, model, and creator of Revenant Wares, the wonderful Nicole Behanna! 🖤

Originally named Morbid Delusion Designs, Revenant Wares is a more broad extension of where she started repurposing old tee shirts into new wares. With a love of vintage style and horror movies, a degree in special effects and vast experience working for small businesses in the sustainable realm, her aesthetic blends the dark with retro and nostalgic elements. This is where the description of her aesthetic Retro Spook was born.

Revenant Wares is a made to order brand. She uses reclaimed materials, fabrics and fabric scraps in order to create or bring back, otherwise unused or trashed items, back from the dead and into wearable art! This means each piece will be unique and the styles will be available while supplies last.

Her wares are meant to add a little flair to your existing garments and perhaps show the beauty in once forgotten objects.

If there’s one thing to remember about Morbid Delusion Designs / Revenant Wares, it’s that they’ll knock more than just your socks off!

To see more, check out the following links:


April Marie

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on a gal that does it all - From writing to acting to modeling, to being able to completely kick your butt, the fabulous April Marie 🖤

Hey Yinz! I’m April Marie and I like to tell jokes and play a slut on the internet LOL! But no really, I go by many titles, Author, Actress, Model, Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt Badass to name a few.

I’ve done a number of local movies and TV shows, I’m best known recently as Debbie Levine from Massacre Academy, Abbie Neuri from Wolf Hollow and Heather from Redneck Ghost Ranglers. Currently I’m working on Matt Zilic’s latest creation the E-Code, where I play a drug fueled groupie which is sure to be an interesting trip and festival winner!

I’m known around Pittsburgh as “oh no, not that bitch!” or my alter ego the Burgh Blonde. I am the author of Burgh Blonde: A Yinzer’s Guide to Sex & Dating in the Steel City where I have 18 hilarious short stories of dating nightmares dealing with the men around the Pittsburgh area. This book is not for the faint of heart. There is sex, foul language, and magical metaphors to keep you hooked from start to finish. So, if that is something that tickles your fancy, I implore you to check it out! I wrote it as kind of a Sex & the City meets 50 Shades of Yinzer. Available on all major book platforms. I’m currently working on the sequel which will be called something like Burgh Blonde & Friends where I share some of my friends’ stories.

I’m also a jiu jitsu purple belt which is currently a higher rank then John Wick so I’m kind of a badass you can say! I love being part of the empowering jiu jitsu community, women especially, need to watch out for themselves at times and jiu jitsu has given me the confidence to be able to walk down the street at night without fear. I urge anyone, especially women to try out a couple classes. I currently attend True Believer Jiu Jitsu dahn on the North Side of Pittsburgh. Please contact Jake and tell him that April sent you and you’ll get the VIP treatment I promise!

If you want to check out what I’m working on next checkout my book page and Instagram which I update regularly!

Remember to laugh and to be horrible to one another because you never know who’s having a great day that they don’t fucking deserve. I’m totally kidding! Be kind, ALWAYS!

Much love!
April Marie aka Burgh Blonde

To see more, check out the following links


April McKendree

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on rock n' roll royalty - April McKendree! 🖤

April is the owner of April’s Rockin’ Merch!

A little goth & a little Rock n’ Roll putting smiles on faces one piece of merch at a time is how I describe my business, but honestly the focus is on my Tiaras.I don’t make them, contrary to popular belief, I am very upfront about that. I sell them because putting one on just makes you feel a certain way. It changes your whole demeanor. It can put you in a great mood instantly.

My motto is “Everyone Deserves To Feel Like Rock N’ Roll Royalty”

I always tell the truth about how someone looks with one on as well. If it doesn’t look good, I tell them straight out, & tell them to try on another, & keep going until they find one that makes them look & feel like they are actually Royalty. I am all about making Everyone feel the very best that they can.

I have struggled with being comfortable in my own skin & I still do, but I work on that more & more everyday & I want everyone to do the very same. So if a Tiara or Crown can do that, even if for a moment, I will continue to spread the love by slinging them every chance that I get!

To see more, check out the following links:


Audrey Jablonski

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on tattoo artist, piercer, visual artist, and all-around badass babe - Audrey Jablonski! 🖤

Hey everyone! 🖤 My name’s Audrey. I’m a tattooist/ piercer at Omerta Ink in McKeesport! I’m also a chemist by degree, but I’m more interested in dedicating my life to body modifications. 

I also have two beautiful children to keep me busy, sometimes even while I’m working (shoutout to the clients who don’t mind). I’m honestly just trying to be myself to the fullest extent, and allow others to feel comfortable to be their fullest selves around me. 

There is so much love, trust, and respect between my clients and I, how could that not be absolutely beautiful. The genuine human connection is what I’m in it for, and I’m so thankful for all the wonderful people I get to meet everyday. 

To see more, check out the following links:


Jessica Rehll

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on a woman whose positivity radiates to everyone she meets, the amazing Jessica Rehll! 🖤

Hi! My name is Jessica and I’m the founder of Spitfire Candle Company. As a candle maker, my vision is to create products that not only fill a room with pleasant scents but also bring joy and humor to people’s lives. To me, candles are more than just a source of light or a way to make a room smell nice; they can be a tool for relaxation, self-care, and even a little bit of entertainment. Humor is an essential part of my candle-making philosophy because I believe that laughter is one of the best ways to relieve stress and improve overall well-being. By infusing my candles with playful scents and witty labels, I aim to create a fun and lighthearted atmosphere that encourages people to let loose and enjoy the moment. Whether you’re burning a candle to unwind after a long day, setting the mood for a romantic evening, or simply adding some charm to your home decor, a touch of humor can go a long way. So the next time you light a candle, take a moment to appreciate the power of laughter and the joy that a little bit of humor can bring into your life. Check out my hilarious line of work at

That’s not all, though. I’m also a certified hypnotherapist! As for what led me into hypnotherapy, for as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help people grow and heal. Whether this was by being a supportive friend, or being a light for someone who felt lost in darkness. As the years passed, I became increasingly more interested in energy medicine, such as Reiki. I followed that path and became a certified reiki master in 2020. I was still being pulled in another direction. I found great healing for myself, in meditation, and wanted to harness that energy, and offer it to others. I began learning about our conscious and subconscious minds. This led me to researching our subconscious and how it controls our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors. Once I gained the knowledge on how we work on a subconscious level, and how we have the ability to change the habits we feel victim to, I took the steps necessary to becoming a certified hypnotherapist. Since starting this journey, I’ve had many clients find success in making big changes in their lives, that they once thought were impossible. I also use hypnosis on myself to help reprogram thought patterns I picked up over my lifetime, and in doing so, I have completely shifted my mindset and way of living. I’m currently offering virtual one on one hypnotherapy sessions through zoom, and creating hypnosis audios for those interested in self hypnosis. Learn more at

To see more, check out the following links:


Rachel Kozura

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on a woman who, quite literally, reached to the stars and achieved her dreams - Rachel Kozura ! 🖤

I am Rachel Kozura, creator of the website and blog I started studying Astrology when I was 14. I grew up in a broken home with two addicts as parents. I raised myself and spent many nights alone in my room listening to music and reading about Astrology. I believe that we all make our own choices and I decided to be nothing like my parents and made a good life for myself. I put myself through college and earned a BA in Psychology and a BS in Nursing. I love trying to figure out what makes people tick! It is only natural that I combined my interest in Astrology, my training in Psychology, and my healing abilities to help others. Always drawn to all things mystical, I dabble in Tarot and am also Reiki trained. I started rachellovesastrology in May of 2020 and have been using my combined skills to help others find who they truly are with Astrology ever since. We are so much more than just our Sun Sign and I want to help others discover this!

I became an excited spectator of the PGH Music scene in 2016 when I started dating my now husband Jason Kozura of the band Silence Follows. I got pulled into the thriving social circle that is this scene and met some pretty amazing people along the way. I did, for a very short time in 2020 sing for Silence Follows, but have passed the mic to Amanda Baker to take the lead! I am a lover of all things music and though I am not currently working on any music projects formally, I am often in Jason’s music studio helping him with background vocals or with writing lyrics. Music is life and the best therapy for me!

Nurse by day Astrologer by night, I am happy to be given the opportunity to help others in more ways than one. I am a lover of animals and am a proud animal mom of 3 cats and 2 dogs. The zoo keeps me busy and endlessly entertained! If you are looking for more information on Astrology to apply to your life, I have many different readings I do that can help with clarity.

Please check out my Facebook page, Instagram page, my new YouTube page, as well as my website

*Editor’s note: She also has an awesome feature in our First Angel Media Magazine, which you can grab here:

To see more, check out the following links:


Punkrock Swam

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on arguably one of the most popular punk chicks in Pittsburgh – Punkrock Swam! 🖤

My name is Swam. I play guitar and do vocals in a punk band called The Karens. I also work on a black metal band called Kvokodil occasionally, and I play bass in a crust punk band called Weaponized Existence. That’s pretty much my entire life.

On the topic of starting off in music: “Anyone can do it, regardless of genre. The music industry is very much alive. We’re going through a recession, but it likely won’t always be like this. You just gotta believe in yourself and know that anything you set your mind to is possible. The Karens are definitely not the only punk band making a name for ourselves. Lots of bands are having success lately. You just have to practice a lot, have good songs, do proper recordings, etc. Legitimately don’t ever worry about being too cringey. The Germs have had multiple members go on to be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Pat Smear has been in Nirvana and Foo Fighters. If he can do it, literally anyone can.”

To see more of Swam, check out the following links:


Christalee Lema

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on a "ghoul" with a passion for screams and caffeine - Christalee Lema! 🖤

How did I end up with a weird, spooky coffee brand? After being forced to pivot during covid – I ended up with what became my most fun business to build yet. I combined two of my favorite things – coffee and monsters. 

Why monsters? I have a background in special effects makeup – I attended the Tom Savini School and graduated in 2013 where I immediately started working in the tv and film industry as an artist and continue to do so still! I had a retirement plan of opening a coffee shop, but when covid hit and tv/film/makeup went away, I decided to reroute and took the down time I now had (and terrifyingly all my savings) to form Eeeek! in hopes it would go well and keep me afloat during the pandemic. I was in utter shock and excitement when my first 120 bags of coffee sold out in ten days after publicly launching the business. 

My mission with eeeek! is to give creative fuel to the weirdos, the misfits, and the odd ball out – just like me when they sit down with their cup of eeeek! to work on their next creative project. 

I am always thrilled and completely humbled when people try it out!

To see more, check out the following links:


First Angel Modeling Agency