April Marie

F#@K CRUSHES - Get ready for Women who inspire us Wednesday 🌟

Today's spotlight is on a gal that does it all - From writing to acting to modeling, to being able to completely kick your butt, the fabulous April Marie 🖤

Hey Yinz! I’m April Marie and I like to tell jokes and play a slut on the internet LOL! But no really, I go by many titles, Author, Actress, Model, Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt Badass to name a few.

I’ve done a number of local movies and TV shows, I’m best known recently as Debbie Levine from Massacre Academy, Abbie Neuri from Wolf Hollow and Heather from Redneck Ghost Ranglers. Currently I’m working on Matt Zilic’s latest creation the E-Code, where I play a drug fueled groupie which is sure to be an interesting trip and festival winner!

I’m known around Pittsburgh as “oh no, not that bitch!” or my alter ego the Burgh Blonde. I am the author of Burgh Blonde: A Yinzer’s Guide to Sex & Dating in the Steel City where I have 18 hilarious short stories of dating nightmares dealing with the men around the Pittsburgh area. This book is not for the faint of heart. There is sex, foul language, and magical metaphors to keep you hooked from start to finish. So, if that is something that tickles your fancy, I implore you to check it out! I wrote it as kind of a Sex & the City meets 50 Shades of Yinzer. Available on all major book platforms. I’m currently working on the sequel which will be called something like Burgh Blonde & Friends where I share some of my friends’ stories.

I’m also a jiu jitsu purple belt which is currently a higher rank then John Wick so I’m kind of a badass you can say! I love being part of the empowering jiu jitsu community, women especially, need to watch out for themselves at times and jiu jitsu has given me the confidence to be able to walk down the street at night without fear. I urge anyone, especially women to try out a couple classes. I currently attend True Believer Jiu Jitsu dahn on the North Side of Pittsburgh. Please contact Jake and tell him that April sent you and you’ll get the VIP treatment I promise!

If you want to check out what I’m working on next checkout my book page and Instagram which I update regularly!

Remember to laugh and to be horrible to one another because you never know who’s having a great day that they don’t fucking deserve. I’m totally kidding! Be kind, ALWAYS!

Much love!
April Marie aka Burgh Blonde

To see more, check out the following links


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